I never set out to be a reincarnation specialist, but apparently my Soul had different plans. To date, I’ve had 4 dogs and one cat return. Here’s a story about my first experience.
Since 2004, I’ve helped many clients reunite with an animal who crossed over and agreed to come back to share life with them again. There have been some interesting stories and a few truths I’ve learned about the process.
A couple came to me after tragically losing a young dog. When I connected with the dog, he was happy to come back again and they desperately wanted him back. The couple wondered if he could come back through the same breeder he had come from before. He agreed. Then he shared he would be the first-born male and would have something unusual about his coloring. Unusual coloring seemed odd as this breed is completely black. Sure enough, the first male puppy was born with a highly unusual white tip on his tail.
Another animal in spirit gave us some tips on how to find her. She wanted to come back into a healthy body and said she would come through a natural breeder. She also said to look for a heart. It seemed odd, but the client began a search. She found a natural breeder who used a specific puppy rearing program using a heart as a logo which was prominent on the website. And just for a bit more confirmation, she was able to pick up her puppy on Valentine’s Day. Another successful reunion.
Animals don’t always give specifics like this but be assured, if it is your Soul’s intention to have the animal in your life again and it’s their Soul’s intention as well, it will work out. People often worry about missing the animal, getting the wrong one, etc. I have learned if you are both in agreement, it will work out. And if you want help to learn if your animal wants to come back, to confirm or steer you in the right direction, you can reach out to an animal communicator.
Sometimes the animal comes back to you later in their life if they want other life experiences prior to coming to you. This happened with my Westie, Hannah. I was volunteering at the Portage County Humane Society. One day as I drove to volunteer, I heard a voice tell me “There is going to be a dog there for you today”. And my response was, “No, we already have enough dogs. I don’t need another”.
When I arrived, I was given a list of dogs and cats that were struggling, animals I would communicate with and support with essential oils, healing energy, or cranio-sacral therapy. I noticed a bright and happy Westie. I asked about her and was told she was surrendered because of extreme allergies and behavioral issues. When I connected with her, it was clear; she was the one the voice was referring to. With my background in nutrition and holistic healing for animals, dealing with allergies was no big deal and from what I could tell, her only behavioral issue was being a terrier. The adoption counselor felt she would do well in my family but as I said, at the time my partner and I already had 4 dogs.
I was on my way to the shelter parking lot without her when my phone rang. It was my partner who wondered if I was still at the shelter. I said yes, and told about Hannah. My partner was already on the way to the shelter sensing there was a dog we were meant to adopt. At this point, I gave in to the wise voice even though it didn’t make sense at the time. We adopted Hannah. After putting her on a raw diet and providing some supplements she never exhibited any signs of allergies. She was also the best behaved dog I’ve ever had. I learned from her she was my childhood dog Duchess. A dog I witnessed be brutally killed to silence me. She came back to me to help me heal from a traumatic weekend that still haunted me even after years of therapy and EMDR. It worked. Sadly, Hannah passed in April 2018. AND, she returned to me again as a Westie, September, 2021.
Our Souls travel in what’s known as a “Soul group”. This is why we often encounter the same Souls in our many lifetimes. Sometimes they are close to us as family or partners, sometimes, they are friends or acquaintances.
It’s also possible but rare, for a Soul to transition into an adult body where the Soul presently occupying the body has decided to leave. These are known as walk-ins and although rare, do sometimes happen.