I’ve written before about my personal experience with reincarnation. My dog Tiger died unexpectedly at 11 yrs. old and then returned eight months later as Doc. Tiger taught me a great deal about transitioning to spirit, hanging out with me when he was gone and then allowing me to experience him coming back in a new body. I didn’t realize this was the beginning of a specialty in my animal communication practice.
Since 2004, I’ve helped many clients reunite with an animal who crossed over and agreed to come back to share life with them again. There have been some interesting stories and a few truths I’ve learned about the process.

A couple came to me after tragically losing a young dog. When I connected with the dog, he was happy to come back again and they desperately wanted him back. The couple wondered if he could come back through the same breeder he had come from before. He agreed. Then he shared he would be the first-born male and would have something unusual about his coloring. Unusual coloring seemed odd as this breed is completely black. Sure enough, the first male puppy was born with a highly unusual white tip on his tail.
Another animal in spirit gave us some tips on how to find her. She wanted to come back into a healthy body and said she would come through a natural breeder. She also said to look for a heart. It seemed odd, but the client began a search. She found a natural breeder who used a specific puppy rearing program using a heart as a logo which was prominent on the website. And just for a bit more confirmation, she was able to pick up her puppy on Valentine’s Day. Another successful reunion.
Animals don’t always give specifics like this but be assured, if it is your intention to have the animal in your life again and it’s their Soul’s intention as well, it will work out. People often worry about missing the animal, getting the wrong one, etc. I have learned if you are both in agreement, it will work out. And if you want help from me to learn if your animal wants to come back, to confirm or steer you in the right direction, I’m always here to help.
Sometimes the animal comes back to you later in their life if they want other life experiences prior to coming to you. This happened with my Westie, Hannah. I was volunteering at the Portage County Humane Society. One day as I drove to volunteer, I heard a voice tell me “There is going to be a dog there for you today”. And my response was, “No, we already have enough dogs. I don’t need another”.
When I arrived, I was given a list of dogs and cats that were struggling, animals I would communicate with and support with essential oils or cranio-sacral therapy. I noticed a bright and happy Westie. I asked about her and was told she was surrendered because of extreme allergies and behavioral issues. When I connected with her, it was clear; she was the one the voice was referring to. With my background in nutrition and holistic healing for animals, dealing with allergies was no big deal and from what I could tell, her only behavioral issue was being a terrier. The adoption counselor felt she would do well in my family but as I said, at the time my partner and I already had 4 dogs.
I was on my way to the shelter parking lot without her when my phone rang. It was my partner who wondered if I was still at the shelter. I said yes, and told about Hanna. My partner was already on the way to the shelter sensing there was a dog we were meant to adopt. At this point, I gave in to the wise voice even though it didn’t make sense at the time. We adopted Hannah. After putting her on a raw diet and providing some supplements she never exhibited any signs of allergies. She’s also the best behaved dog I’ve ever had. I learned from her she was my childhood dog Duchess. A dog I witnessed be brutally killed to silence me. She came back to me to help me heal from a traumatic weekend that still haunted me even after years of therapy and EMDR. It worked.
It’s also possible but rare, for a soul to transition into an adult body where the soul presently occupying the body has decided to leave. These are known as walk-ins and although rare, do sometimes happen.
Even though we have all experienced many life-times, we’re meant to focus on this incarnation…to be here in our body and enjoy being a physical being. When we can do that with the love and companionship of our four-legged and feathered friends, life is that much fuller.
I’ve talked with other Animal Communicators who find this too complicated and fear they will not be able to reunite them. As I said, that’s not been my experience. I’ve never been unable to assist and witness a happy reunion.
If you want to reconnect with an animal in spirit and learn if they are coming back, you will need to reach out to another animal communicator as I have retired. There are many communicators who can help you.
What’s your experience? Did a kitty just show up on your door step and you knew she was with you before? Or when you went to the shelter, there was just something about him, an instant connection. Please share your own stories of how you reconnected with a previous animal in the comment section below.
My husband’s favorite dog was a lab-setter mix named Ralph. Mike saw his picture in the paper at the pound and said, “That’s my dog!” We adopted him immediately and he lived a long a happy life.
A few years after he passed on, I was out walking on our rural road on a bitterly cold December day when I found an eight month old Border Collie in the middle of a crossroad. He had no collar and immediately followed me home even though I tried to get him to go back to where ever he belonged.
No luck! He waited in the shelter of our van for five hours until it began to get dark and the temperature was plunging way below zero. So I finally brought him inside where he immediately made himself at home and started worming his way into our hearts.
The next day I called Wendy and asked her find out where he came from and if he wanted to go home. He told her he ran away to find his real home, and his name was Ralph.
My westie Kaiser passed away on 27 Jan 2020. I miss him terribly. Would he be willing to come back to me and how would I know?
Hi, I just lost my sweet Kira girl on 1/24/2021 she had been great the day before woke up throwing up we thought she ate the chicken sausages as the chicken doesn’t settle well with her stomach and called the vet to make sure her symptoms were nothing to worry about they said just keep and eye on her and give her ice cubes throughout the day. Then it drastically changed within a couple hours and she was bleeding out her bottom. I immediately rushed her to the vet they did tests and we’re shocked she had changed direction so fast. She was internally bleeding and septic and they believe she had a blood vessel cancer that affected her large intestine and ruptured. It was so tragic and so fast it had effected so much of her large intestine there was nothing that could be done and her blood pressure was so low she was going to die. We spent almost an hour with her before we seen she really was done fighting and we put her to rest. She tried so hard to be brave and strong in her last moments and we miss her and I believe in reincarnation and I want to know if she wants to come back to us.
If you’re wondering about your own animal coming back, please visit the “For Your Animals” page (Animal Communication) and schedule a session. Thank you.
Please help me. I want my dog back.
I’m happy to help you learn about whether or not your dog will come back to you. Please schedule an appointment from my website. Here is the link. https://wendywolfe.com/schedule-a-communication-appointment/
please bring my dog back to me
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve retired from communication sessions but if you go to the animal communication page I have listed 2 other communicators I recommend. I’m sure one of them can help you.
My dad’s baby tea cup yorkie he was 4 years old named petey Died 4th of July from 2 big dogs attacking him they crushed his ribs and punctured his heart he is very sad and mourning and can’t stop crying. so today I went and got him another yorkie but not a tea cup. I’m not trying to replace his little roll dog but only to make him feel at ease and happy again. The dog follows my dad everywhere and it’s only been the 1st day I feel like it’s petey coming back only a 3 month old baby this time can this be possible my dad says that he does everything petey did. But my dad still cries for him. Can the new puppy sence my dad’s lost of his dog petey?
Hi Amanda, I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad’s Petey. What a horrific tragedy. It is possible, but rare for a Soul who has crossed over to come back in a body that is already here. This is referred to as a “walk-in” and requires agreement from the Soul already in the body. More likely, the Soul in the puppy body has allowed Petey to come through his body occasionally. This is more common. The new dog basically let’s Petey “take over” for brief moments. I’m sure the puppy senses your father’s loss. Our animals are very sensitive to our emotions. Given the tragic nature of Petey’s passing, I would want to be sure he crossed over completely. While there typically is no issue with this, occasionally with traumatic crossings, this can be an issue.
I really need confirmation if my son/Yorkie has reincarnated as a 2month old Yorkie. His transition date was 7/24/2023 the Yorkie I feel I’ve been guided to was born in the beginning of June. I want to know if he has to wait for a new litter or birth or is his soul in this little 2month old. I’m not looking to replace my son I want his soul back in a new little body. I can’t see myself give any of his love to another, we share a very deep and special bond and I want him, my son Nico back. Please. Thank you in advance for your response.
Please see the animal communicators I have recommended under For Your Animals. I have retired from communication. If you feel the strong connection, it likely is your boy.
I want my dog Gandi back. He died yesterday and i felt so much pain missing the presence of my Very best friend dog. I want him back, i know he wanted also to get back. I talked to him before he died, i said “don’t leave me” and he stand up, walked strongly, i know he pretend just to make me happy. But after he do that, he died. I lost my Bestfriend. I missed him so much, i want him to come back just like how he was. We missed our Gandi, please help me. There’s a connection between us he wanted to but how?
My puppy was just 18months old when he passed away few days ago. It was tragic as no one expected it to happen. He was doing well the night before and one morning he had a fever. His temperature was too high and the vet had problem cooling his fever down and that caused his life. We never really had a chance to say goodbye. I didn’t expected it to happen and I know he never expected it too. My heart is crushing as I am writing this. I know deep in my heart we will see each other again and I promise to look for him no matter what. He’s the sweetest boy and his then most perfect anyone could have. I am trully devastated. I never stopped crying as I miss him so much. Deep in my heart, I know he is going to look for me and I desperately need your help.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. So hard when he was so young. Unfortunately, I retired from communication sessions a few years ago. Most other animal communicators work with reincarnation.
How do I know if my new puppy (got him 5 months ago) is my beloved dog I had for 13 years that passed last July? I fell into a major depression when I lost him and then out of no where I wanted a new puppy. Surprisingly he has the same markings and though he is a different breed acts just like him. He even looks at me the same way, cry’s the same way eats the same way and is very attached to me just as my old dog. One thing I noticed is that when we brought him home the empty feeling I had disappeared. Please help!
Hi Terry, Well you could book an appointment but really it sounds like you already know. Just listen to your heart. Sounds to me like your dog is back.
My dog showed me what dog she could reincarnate into but I begged her not to do it afraid someone else would get her and then we would have no more togetherness in this new spirit life. But how would I know the date the hour the month the place to find her ?
In my experience it isn’t necessary to know the exact time and place. If she has shown you what she will look like and both of your Souls are in agreement to be together again, you will be able to find her. When both Soul’s are in agreement, someone else will not get her…unless the plan is for her to go to someone else first and then come to you. This requires a great deal of trust. I would begin looking for her based on the picture she showed you. When I communicate with a Spirit that is coming back they give a general time frame of when to look for them. They don’t give exact times partly because with quantum physics and floating potentials, the circumstances can change a bit before they get here. So far, I’ve not had any failures. Good luck. You’re welcome to schedule a session if you think that would be of benefit.
Thanks for this post, it gives some reassurance. We are going 2thru a phase were we think our reincarnated dog has slippped thru our hands 🙁 We can only hope she finds her way to us again.
In my experience, when both souls are in agreement to come together again, you can’t screw it up. If she was in fact in this puppy body she will end up with you eventually, or she left and another soul came in when it didn’t work out. This can happen up to a certain point. Do not despair, you will be back together again.
Does the puppy your dog may be reincarnated in have to be born after the date of your dog’s passing? Or do you believe it’s possible for their soul to enter a puppy who may have been born a month before they passed?
In my experience the Soul must transition before it can return. So yes, the returning dog must be born after the original soul passes.
Thank you for your answer, it helps.
Hi, my 14.5 year old Maltese died Dec 22,2021. I picked up 2 new puppies 7 days before my 14.5 year old Maltese died. My baby went into a respiratory distress 3 days after I brought the new puppies home. But, the day my dog passed.. a car with the license plate read *winter* (my new dog’s name). Winter is so identical to my old dog. She acts like her and looks like her. Same size as her too. Is this my old dog that walked into *winter’s body at 4 months old). Did my old dog before she passed made me purchase two more puppies?
And I forgot to mention. I took a picture of that car license plate. And I reviewed the pictures and saw my old dog apparition in there. And it had a decal of a heaven cloud and a snowflake near a Christmas tree where I saw her spirit face. Her name was snowflake. She died 3 days before Christmas. 3 days after I picked up the puppies. Almost 4 days at the emergency hospital in a oxygen tank. Which, they couldn’t save her. She had two cardiac arrests. First day I brought her to the er she had one cardiac arrest and came back after cpr then 3 days or so later had another and she was gone.
It is possible for a “walk-in” to happen. It’s not common but does happen. Because I am not doing communication sessions at this point, I suggest you reach out to another animal communicator if you feel you need more validation other than your own intuition. Blessings.
My 15 year old pug passed yesterday, she was everything to me and I was everything for her. How can I find her again? Would getting pregnant help and should I look for her as a puppy in a few weeks? She had perfect eye makeup and smiled a lot. She was so advanced and remembered everything. She was always with me and barked for me whenever I left the room. She always wanted to be pressed against me at night and kissed me and was excited for every morning. I know she’ll be looking for me. I have to find her. Please help.
My puppy was one years old and was sooo my soul animal he recently died getting hit by a car when he was running to great me coming home I saw his soul leave as I was holding him and I wish I had communicated with him more before his passing as I was grieving I knew he was not gonna make it. Im desperate to find answers and understanding or a sign that he could possibly find me again or how to find him as I feel deeply he wasn’t ready to go. And I definitely wasn’t ready for him to go either we had a strong bond and I miss him terribly. I came across this article and I’m praying that you find this and would be honored to connect with you. I’ve searched through millions of communicators and you stroked me the most. I have no peace for my sweet koda and am searching for it. I hope this finds you
Hi Cassidie,
First, I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a tragic accident.
I did reply to your email but it bounced back. I have retired from animal communication but recommend two different communicators on this website. It’s very possible your Koda will come back to you. As you have read here, if it is in agreement with both Souls, it will happen. You can’t mess it up. Try one of the communicators I recommend.
Wishing you peace. Wendy
Hey I would love to speak with you my dog Chloe just passed away a couple days ago and me and my husband understand take it I want to know about her being reincarnated
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve retired from communication sessions but if you go to the animal communication page I have listed 2 other communicators I recommend. I’m sure one of them can help you.
How do I find the 2 recommendations for a session. Justost my 4 year old Labrador and would love to find him again if he is willing to come to this family again.
Sorry, I’ve been out of the country. They are here…see 3rd and 4th paragraph. https://wendywolfe.com/animal-communication/