My goat, Ghost, taught me about the process of dying. I knew he was uncomfortable, struggling and I wanted to help him. I wanted him to no longer be in pain. I wanted to “fix” it. But when I asked about helping him cross over with our medicine he refused the help. He wanted to experience the process of dying. He taught me a great be with the experience rather than to avoid it. For him this process was as much a part of living as when he was playing with his buddies, jumping … [Read more...]
A Lesson from King about Energy
Something happened the other day at the dog park that reminded me of how much our animals reflect our energy. Becky and I were walking down the path with Hanna, Doc and King. All three were running freely ahead and off in every direction. They love that about the dog leashes just total freedom. If you aren't familiar with my dog family, Hanna is a Westie, about four years old. Doc is going on 7, a Maltipoo who weighs about 10 lbs. King is 8 and though large in bravery is a … [Read more...]
When Allowing becomes Good Medicine
My dogs don’t obsess about what they did in the past or what will happen next week; they live excitedly for this moment. Smokey, my beloved trail horse, has forgiven me as I learned a more appropriate way to care for him over the years. Mariah, my beautiful, spirited, mare is teaching me to embrace my femininity and power; to live with reckless abandon. And regardless of my mood, I am always greeted with joyous appreciation upon returning home. Animals give us many gifts; they are "medicine" for … [Read more...]
7 ways to easily prepare your pets when you travel.
I just returned from a fabulous and inspiring two days in Asheville, NC with my mentor Christine Kane and an amazing group of souls creating a better world with their businesses. While I enjoy traveling it means leaving my favorite furries behind. If you're like me, this is never easy. Years ago (okay decades) I was hesitant to travel because I didn't want my buddies thinking I had left them. So I'm sharing how I keep them happy and calm until I return. We'll also hear from Doc to see how he … [Read more...]