Would you like more peace in your life? In the World?
Back in 1995, I was Director of the Small Business Assistance Center at Madison Area Technical College. Our department took a day off to go to a quiet retreat center and envision our future. As part of the process we were each invited to develop our own personal mission statement. To this day, my mission statement is printed and framed, hanging where I see it often. It reads:
” My mission is to be a conduit of peace, to live a peaceful life through love and understanding. I do this by always seeking to understand others, by keeping my mind open to all possibilities and ideas and by respecting all forms of life.”
I didn’t think about this statement, I didn’t ponder or even edit. The words literally flowed through the ether and out my hands onto the paper. It was not of my ego…it was from my soul or higher self. When something flows from my soul it feels channeled (sometimes my blog feels this way).
Considering the mission statement the path my life has taken makes sense. My work with the animals is about creating peace for the animals by helping their people understand what they need, how they feel and why they do what they do. The communication often creates peace within the family when the animals understand what the humans want and vice versa. And on a larger scale, when we humans begin to treat all animals (and other life) with love and respect we begin treating each other similarly.
Working with highly sensitive empaths and abuse survivors is also about creating peace by helping them understand and manage their sensitivities and by helping them embrace their intuitive gifts so they can hear their Soul guidance and bring their special gifts to the world.
True peace is something you create within your own mind and is not dependent upon your outer circumstances. Often, the peace we seek is from our own mind, that monkey mind with its critical thoughts, spinning stories about the events in our life. When we begin to harness our mind and understand how it operates, we begin to create peace. It’s not something someone else can do for you, but it is something that can be learned.
Seeking peace is common if you are a highly sensitive empath. Constantly feeling the energy around you creates chaos. You want the anxiety to lessen. You want the constant bombardment of others energy to cease. And it can when you learn to manage your energy body.
Today, I want you to know peace is attainable. It is possible to create a sense of peace from within…to control your thoughts and direct them in a way that brings you peace. And you can create peace within your energy body so you are less affected by others. A good way to begin is with the free Guided Meditation and Workbook on my website. It will start you on the path to peace.
Most importantly, when you create peace within you are doing the most powerful thing possible to create peace in our world. Each time we are able to lift ourselves out of the chaos in the world, we add more love and peace. Our state is a reflection of the state of the world. To change the world, we must begin by changing ourselves. As Mahatma Ghandi said, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”.
I wish you Peace.