So this is how it begins. The universe hit me with the proverbial 2×4. For months I have had this blog space but have written nothing. My guides and everyone they could summon have told me to start this blog. Did I listen? Well yes, but there was always something else to do. So what finally got me here?
First, about two and a half weeks ago. Lightning took out the motherboard on my main computer. Fortunately I have a laptop that is networked into it so not all was lost…except I could no longer initiate emails. That was on the main computer. But my email service comes through my website and I was able to get my emails and at least respond to those that came to me.
Ha. Since that didn’t get me moving, the next event was a crash of the server that hosts my website. It has been 8 days since the website has been available and that long since I have had access to my email. I’ll actually have to use the phone and talk to people. What a concept.
During all of this I have asked, why? Everything happens for a reason, I get that. There is a wisdom greater than my human brain at work here and it is much wiser. So for the most part I have not been upset, just waiting for the website to come back up expecting it at any moment. Well after this long I decided the universe was definitely trying to get my attention.
Time to find out what is going on. I got quiet and clear, then turned to my animal medicine cards. My question was “What do I need to know about this situation with my website and email?” I held the cards for a moment and pulled out Dolphin.
Dolphin has never come to me before. Dolphin is the sacred breath of life. Dolphin teaches how to use breath for releasing emotion and for bringing the manna or life force into our being. Okay I get that. So I’m supposed to breath more mindfully? Release the tension? I suspect more and read on. Here is a quote from Medicine Cards by Sams and Carson.
“Dolphin came to discover underwater cities in the Dreamtime, and was given the gift of the primordial tongue. The new language was the sound-language that was brought by spider from the Great Star Nation. Dolphin learned that all communication was pattern and rhythm, and that the new aspect of communication was sound; he carries this original pattern to this day. Dolphin returned to the Ocean of the Great Mother, and was very sad until Whale came by and told Dolphin that he could return to be a messenger to the Dreamtime dwellers anytime he felt the rhythm and used the breath. Dolphin was given a new job. He became the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime dwellers were curious about the children of the Earth, and wanted us to grow and be one with Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link.
“If Dolphin has appeared to you today, frothing through the waves in your spread, you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of the Earth. This can be a time when you are to link with Great Spirit and bring answers to your own questions or to those of others.”
Okay, to me that was clear. Get your butt out of bed (this was at 5 am) and start your blog. The animals have messages, you have questions, others have questions and it is time you start writing down the stuff that comes into your head. I do wish it would come to me at 10 am after the dogs and horses are fed and I’ve had a cup of tea but apparently that isn’t how this works. Well they cut me off every other way from a communication stand point so I guess I had better listen.
I hope you will join me on this trip to the Dreamtime. Please feel free to ask questions and together we can see where we are guided.
Nice thoughts, fresh reminder of opening ourselves to the univers.
Good morning Wendy, what interesting events.I also believe every thing happens for a reason and am forever trying to figure out what I am supposed to learn from every thing that dosen’t go smoothly. If I get at all frustrated when I am on the computer it does wierd things and will even crash. What did we do before computers any way. Use the phone and write letters and just visit with people. Don’t have any questions at this point .Good luck on your journey,from Jane, Maeryt, Andrew, Terrance, Sibyl and Emlyn. In Oregon.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Wendy! You have a great gift to offer the world.
Perfect timing, and I look forward to hearing what you and the animals have to share 🙂
Thanks for sharing Wendy, I look forward to reading more!