Here’s what happened. I went into meditation as usual wondering who might show up and there was Woodpecker. I remembered hearing him several weeks ago on my daily walk. This time, he wasn’t drumming on the tree. Instead, he flew just above my head, where the crown chakra is located and began “drumming” on my crown chakra. I could feel a strange sensation, a reorganizing of sorts. He was drumming in a very rhythmic fashion that felt both calming and uplifting at once.
I asked him to help me understand his work. He told me he was “rearranging” my crown chakra to allow “new” vibrations to come through.
Woodpecker: “Allow this energy to flow from your crown to your third eye, then to your throat and then your heart center”. I felt the energy move down and felt an opening of my heart chakra (and I already thought it was open;-)). “Heart centered energy is very important for all humans…love and forgiveness are needed for self and for others”.
Next I felt the energy flow from the heart to the solar plexis chakra, to the sacral chakra and finally to the root chakra. From here it went right down into the earth, grounding my energy.
Woodpecker: “It is important to stay grounded while you are open spiritually. Humans tend to be either out of their body in a spiritual realm or so grounded in the physical world they forget they are really spiritual beings. At this time it is important for all of you to work at being in both worlds at once. Maintain your spiritual connection but do not forget you are in a physical body. This connection to above and below will facilitate energy shifts in your being. Let me help you. Let me help you “tune” your crown chakra and drum in the new vibrations for you and anchor your connection to the earth at the same time.”
Woodpecker invites all of you to go into meditation and invite him to work with your energy. I am anxious to hear your experiences. Be sure to share them by commenting at the blog site. (If you email me directly only I get the benefit of what you share).
After Woodpecker finished, Eagle appeared to me.
Wendy: Hello, I am grateful to have you here with me.
Eagle: “I would like to speak to you (he’s speaking to all of us as “you”) about “commitment”. Commitment is very important. When you commit it is important to follow through as it is an honoring of yourself and that which you have committed to. The commitment has an energy that creates more integrity in your life. This is needed now. When you back out of a commitment very often you will find fear at the source of your reason. Keeping your commitment is standing up to fear and when you stand up to fear it loses its power over you. While some fear is necessary and helpful the majority of what humans fear is destructive to yourselves and others, human and four-legged, winged or finned. Be selective what you commit to and then stand tall and walk forward into it.“
It’s interesting that the information that comes always seem to be so appropriate for myself…and from what many of you are telling me…for you as well. Just last week I made a “commitment” to write this blog every Wednesday. I’m sure fear has lurked somewhere under my lack of commitment to this in the past. Now I have more clarity that if I don’t feel the “inspiration” for writing, all I need to do is meditate and someone will appear to share with me the perfect information for the blog. There is no fear in that!
Oh Wendy….thank you! You have no idea how much I look forward to hearing you share these messages. Blessings always, Jeanne.
What a great story and so appropriate for now. When I got home last night a woodpecker was sitting in the tree in front of the kitchen window waiting for me. So be open to spirit and it will show you the way. He was there for quite awhile and I just stood there and absorbed his energy. I thanked him for his visit when he left.
We have been hearing the woodpeckers every morning, all morning, and can see evidence of their work everywhere in the woods. But just this past Sunday, a woodpecker was on the side of a tree near our deck–a tree very much alive that would offer no nourishment (bugs)—and it was just there, clinging to the side of the tree, not pecking at all. Jeff was the first to notice the woodpecker, it was there for at least 6 hours. I’ve never seen one just ‘hang around’. So thank you Wendy, now I think I FINALLY get the message.
I want to try this meditation, it sounds interesting. Have to admit though, the mental image of the woodpecker drumming on someone’s head is pretty funny!