Yesterday a flock of Canadian Geese parked themselves on the thin ice just off my pier. I walked down to get a closer look and to communicate with them. There was one goose looking directly at me. He seemed to be in charge so I got quiet and connected in with him. He explained he was the front goose, at least for the beginning of all the journeys. When he began to tire, he would fly to the back and another would take the lead. They rotate this way to create the most efficient flight for … [Read more...]
By Wendy Wolfe
8 Steps to Magical New Moon Manifesting
Walking the dogs this morning I noticed the cloud like appearance of the moon hanging in the sky. It reminded me that we are approaching a new moon and this is the perfect time to set intentions. Just as this thought went through my head I saw a hawk fly above me. Whenever I see a big bird, like a hawk or eagle, I always notice what I'm thinking at the time. I take it as an omen that my thoughts at that moment are important. Then it occurred to me to share with you how you can take … [Read more...]